Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Long View

Another day, another quick sketch.  These sketches are good exercise for my brain; they help overcome the inertia of the blank page.  I can envision a day in the future that I carry this little book with me and do sketches as I wait for a lunch meeting to arrive, just needed 5 minutes to capture the world around me.

In this picture, I particularly like the how the water spots creating tiny points of interest.  I still need to use more paint but I am getting better.

                                   Watercolor and ink on paper 5.5x5.5

It is good to see the Pocket Palette getting so much use.  This picture shows to me that I do not organizing my mixing palette by warm/cool like most real artist do but randomly where ever there is available space.  I will need to add paint to the pans before I head out on vacation.


1 comment:

  1. LOVE the watercolor, but also really enjoy your photographs. Happy vacation!
